About Us
Durnford's Lodge is close to the C.B.D, yet away from the drone of everyday shopping and traffic. Paddy Ann, your host, is dedicated to customer service and wishes to make your stay, be it short or long, as pleasant and comfortable as possible.
We have 15 en-suite Bedrooms and offer Bed and Breakfast rates with Dinner available Monday to Thursday nights. We also cater for guests who need an extended stay in Ladysmith. We are able to host small to medium conferences, small meetings, office parties, special functions and Christmas parties at our Conference Hall at negotiable prices.
Should you require any further information, please contact us and we will be pleased to assist where we can.
Durnford's Lodge is AA Graded in the category "Highly Recommended", and the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa have awarded us Four Stars
. Durnford's Lodge is also a member of the Ladysmith Tourism Association, and has B-BBEEE recognition.